Trial Assistance

I provide experienced trial assistance to help you preserve your post-trial record and prepare compelling pre-trial and post-trial motions. I’ll work with you to make sure you are strategically positioned throughout the trial process to safeguard your case for potential appeals and optimize your post-trial outcomes.

What My Trial Assistance Can Do for Your Case

Ensure Effective Preservation of the Record: I assist in maintaining a thorough and accurate trial record to prepare for any potential appeal. By monitoring the trial and advising on record preservation, I help ensure that all significant legal issues and rulings are properly noted and then documented. I also can help drafting requests to charge, verdict sheets, and post-trial motions.

Review and Strategize on Trial Motions: I provide guidance on drafting and filing trial motions, including those for judgment as a matter of law or for a new trial. My years of experience help in crafting motions that are well-supported and aligned with appellate strategies.

Identify Key Legal Issues for Appeal: I work with you to identify and address key legal issues that may arise during the trial. By pinpointing potential appealable issues early, I help you prepare for future appellate challenges.

Review Trial Transcripts and Evidence: I review trial transcripts and evidence to identify any potential issues or errors that could be relevant for an appeal. This thorough review helps ensure that all pertinent issues are addressed in post-trial motions.

Prepare for Appellate Review: By working with you throughout the trial, I’ll lay the groundwork for a smooth transition to the appellate process. This preparation includes ensuring that all necessary documentation and legal arguments are in place for a potential appeal.

What Could Happen Without an Appellate Counsel

Ineffective Trial Motions: Without my guidance, your trial motions may lack the necessary legal arguments or procedural correctness. This can result in motions being denied or having a limited impact on the trial’s outcome.

Missed Appealable Issues: Failing to identify and address potential appealable issues during the trial can weaken your position if an appeal becomes necessary. This oversight may result in missed opportunities for appeal.

Strategic Missteps: Inadequate advice on trial procedure and strategy can lead to missteps that affect the trial’s outcome. This can include decisions that undermine your case or fail to address key issues effectively.

Weak Post-Trial Motions: Post-trial motions may be poorly drafted or unsupported, reducing their effectiveness in challenging trial outcomes or seeking corrective actions.

Challenges in Transitioning to Appeal: Without proper preparation, transitioning from trial to appeal can be cumbersome. This lack of preparation can impact the effectiveness of your appeal and the preservation of key issues.

Why You Should Hire Seth M. Weinberg

Choosing The Law Offices of Seth M. Weinberg, PLLC means partnering with a proven appellate attorney with over one hundred published opinions. I’m here to help you not just in trial, but throughout any aspect of your civil case.

Let’s Work Together to Optimize Your Trial Strategy

Let me help you preserve your case for appeal, prepare compelling motions, and get through the trial process with confidence. Reach out today, and let’s start a conversation about where your case is, and how I can help. Whether you’re facing a particularly complex family law dispute, or a personal injury matter with multiple parties, I want to collaborate with you to get your client’s case to the best possible outcome. Why wait to get skilled appellate trial support? Just call or fill out my form.

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